Resources for listeners of Allyson’s podcast



I hope you enjoyed the podcast! If you have questions, feel free to reach out.

Also, if you have a story you want critiqued or have questions about how to take a particular point you want to communicate and find a story that does that,  the first five respondents can do so for free!

Just email david(at)

I love storytelling and helping people find their “Inner storyteller” so ask away!

Best regards,


Articles, Audios, and Videos That Build on The Material We Covered

Using Stories To Become a More Fascinating and Persuasive Communicator–This is the article I wrote based on one of the stories I shared with Allyson

Nervous About Speaking? Just Add Stories – This blog post is actually my debrief (and recording) from a last minute speaking request I got a year or so ago at SMBME (Social Media Breakfast of Maine) and how I used to stories to not have a heart attack and (hopefully) make for a fun presentation.

The Right and Wrong Way to Talk About Your Business 

How NOT to Blow Your Big Opportunity When Speaking in Front of a Group

Storytelling for Small Business – Podcast with transcript



Injecting Your Personality Into Your Copy By Sharing Stories From Your Personal Life, Your Hobbies, Travels, and Idiosyncrasies


How to Use Use Storytelling to Shift Someone Into an “I can do this!” State


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