“Do you have great ideas, an important message, and… the desire to make a difference, but…you’re not the fascinating, inspiring, and compelling communicator you want to be?”


If you are an entrepreneur, coach, speaker, or leader who wants to be a more fascinating, persuasive communicator…

…you’ve come to the right place.


Are you frustrated because you  could be SO MUCH MORE of a captivating communicator?

  1. Do you feel disappointed when you share your ideas and your message in meetings or presentations, because people just don’t seem to “get it” or be as “into it” as you wish?
  2. Do you admire—and even envy—people who can inspire and motivate others, whether one-on-one, speaking to a huge audience, or at a board meeting?
  3. Do you think “I get it…storytelling is a big thing in the world of leadership, marketing, and speaking…but I don’t know how to do it, because I’m just not a storyteller”?
  4. Is your lack of confidence in your speaking and presentation skills holding you back from making the difference you want to make in the world?

If you said “Yes” to these questions, you are in the right place.

David Lee - 100x130Hi, David Lee here and I created StoriesThatChange.com for people who want to get better at telling stories that change hearts, minds, lives…and whole organizations.

It’s for entrepreneurs who want to get their message out in a bigger way.

It’s for leaders and aspiring leaders who want to communicate in a more compelling, inspiring way…who want to inspire people to be their best selves and achieve great things.

It’s for speakers and trainers who want their speaking and training to be more fascinating and fun….and effective.

Whether you make use of the resources on this site, bring me in to speak with your leadership team, or hire me as a coach to help you become a better storyteller, my goal is to help you become a more fascinating, inspiring, persuasive communicator, through the use of storytelling.

What Happens When You Get Good at Using Stories To Get Your Ideas Across

When I learned how to use storytelling, it dramatically increased my ability to help people change and it dramatically improved my ability to impact an audience.

You can read story about discovering storytelling in the About David Lee section.

But let’s talk about you for now…

What you will also discover, as did I, that you will have a LOT more fun when you speak to a group, once you master the art of storytelling. That’s because not only do stories make it easier for people to “get” and “get into” your message, they also give you a chance to share more of yourself…more of who you are as a unique individual. They also give you the opportunity to use more of your innate creativity.

So storytelling is a total win/win.

Your audiences win and you win.

It’s actually a win/win/win because the world wins, too…because your message will have a bigger impact (on a bigger stage if that is your goal).

Let’s Get You Started

A great first step is to sign up to receive announcements of future blog posts, videos, etc..

The sign up box is in the upper right hand corner of this page.

Then scan the blog posts. You’ll see posts on how to:

1. Start your presentation off with a bang.

2. Shift people from “I can’t” to “I can!”

3. Challenge people without being confrontational

4. Make your ideas more fascinating and persuasive


You might also want to read the About David Lee section because it will give you an idea of how to tell an Origin Story, which is critical for you to do becuase it helps people bond to you.

I also recommned watching or listening to the webinar titled Add Powerful Storytelling to Your Training.

If you’re interested in either private coaching or bringing my work into your organization–whether as a leadership skill, for new hire orientation, or for marketing,  contact me at: David @ StoriesThatChange.com.

Finally…if you have questions or comments, please post on the blog. That will help me be more helpful to you!

Thanks for stopping by and please keep coming back for more.

Best regards,

David Lee



Comments (4)

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  1. vikas says:

    Great to see your work and also appreciate the effort you have put in to create such a wonderful repository for us trainers/speakers & for other people who are into the similar stream

    God bless ya!

  2. Campbell Such says:

    Just listened to your podcast with Rick Brooks
    Great insight and examples into the huge potential for storytelling in all parts of our lives
    Looking forward to more of your great ideas on storytelling


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